Sunday, March 8, 2015


I'm a little late in my intro here. I'm Spacegirl and meditate with my friends here, Psychic Soul Sisters. I like to consider myself spiritual and kind. Which is what I strive for but it's a path and sometimes we wonder off and get lost until we finally find our way back. I tend to wonder off the path more times than I'd like to admit. I have interest in pagan, metaphysical and other beliefs. I don't label myself as part of any particular religious or spiritual title or belief. My beliefs are ever changing and growing as I learn and experience more. Right now I'm dealing with a death of a family member so my mind, heart and emotions are all over the place. I wanted to introduce myself but will be back for more of an introduction at a later time.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Hello from Blog Author #2: Lena

My name is Lena.  I feel very fortunate to have met the two ladies co-writing this blog with me.  We meet weekly to meditate and to explore our spirituality. We research and experiment with and learn about many different things in our meditation group: communication with our spirit guides, reiki, instant knowing, auras, chakras, crystals and more.

A little background: I was raised Catholic.  While I respect the teachings of the church and appreciate the solid religious foundation my parents gave me, I knew at an early age that Catholicism was not for me.  However, it will always be a part of me. I jokingly call myself a recovering Catholic.  After many years of self-examination and searching, I have come to know that I am what some would call agnostic and others would call Atheist.  However, I do believe in energy and souls and an afterlife.  I believe Jesus and Mohammed other like them were enlightened persons who came to live among us to effect positive change. And I believe in reincarnation as a journey the soul takes to work toward enlightenment and eventually become one with the universe at the highest vibration of energy, and to help others do the same.

I look forward to participating in the online community. Welcome to PsychicSoulSisters!

Wednesday, February 18, 2015

Hey everyone!  This is Jae again.  I thought I would share my first psychic experience.  I was about 8-10 years old.  I had been in the basement practicing the piano.  I came upstairs and my uncle was sitting in the living room.  We lived about 45 minutes away and he NEVER came over unannounced.  As soon as I saw him, I heard in my head, "He and Carol are getting divorced."  A few minutes later, my parents told me that he had come to visit to tell us that he and his wife were getting a divorce.  This is known as Instant Knowing.  I believe that it was my spirit guide telling me.  I have heard her occasionally throughout my life.  I seek to hear her on a daily basis.  Please write and share your psychic experiences with us. 
Blessings to all.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015


As I said in our intro, we are three friends who are working on our psychic abilities.  We are also growing by leaps and bounds spiritually! We would like to share our individual and shared experiences with our readers. we invite comments and discussion.

My name is Jae.  I have been interested in the supernatural since elementary school.  I have been working on improving my psychic abilities for around 20 years.  I am a professional female in my early 50's.  My friends will sign on soon to add some background about themselves. 

For starters, please share with us if you have had any supernatural experiences. Ex. ghosts, unexplained noises, things moving, seeing aliens, etc.  Don't be shy.  We look forward to hearing from you.
Blessings to all.