Sunday, March 8, 2015


I'm a little late in my intro here. I'm Spacegirl and meditate with my friends here, Psychic Soul Sisters. I like to consider myself spiritual and kind. Which is what I strive for but it's a path and sometimes we wonder off and get lost until we finally find our way back. I tend to wonder off the path more times than I'd like to admit. I have interest in pagan, metaphysical and other beliefs. I don't label myself as part of any particular religious or spiritual title or belief. My beliefs are ever changing and growing as I learn and experience more. Right now I'm dealing with a death of a family member so my mind, heart and emotions are all over the place. I wanted to introduce myself but will be back for more of an introduction at a later time.

Saturday, March 7, 2015

Hello from Blog Author #2: Lena

My name is Lena.  I feel very fortunate to have met the two ladies co-writing this blog with me.  We meet weekly to meditate and to explore our spirituality. We research and experiment with and learn about many different things in our meditation group: communication with our spirit guides, reiki, instant knowing, auras, chakras, crystals and more.

A little background: I was raised Catholic.  While I respect the teachings of the church and appreciate the solid religious foundation my parents gave me, I knew at an early age that Catholicism was not for me.  However, it will always be a part of me. I jokingly call myself a recovering Catholic.  After many years of self-examination and searching, I have come to know that I am what some would call agnostic and others would call Atheist.  However, I do believe in energy and souls and an afterlife.  I believe Jesus and Mohammed other like them were enlightened persons who came to live among us to effect positive change. And I believe in reincarnation as a journey the soul takes to work toward enlightenment and eventually become one with the universe at the highest vibration of energy, and to help others do the same.

I look forward to participating in the online community. Welcome to PsychicSoulSisters!